Why Boosting your Muscles Can Boost Your Mood

It’s a given that resistance training builds muscle and physical strength. Perhaps less obvious are the ways that it strengthens your mood and mind.

Researchers at the University of Georgia did an extensive review of studies – specifically, randomised controlled trials – that looked at the relationship between resistance training and its effect on mental wellbeing. They concluded that regular strength work may produce the following positive outcomes:

– calm anxiety

– reduce anxiety

– improve sleep

– enhance cognition and memory

– raise self-esteem

Strength training, like aerobic activity, also promotes the release of feel-good endorphins and raises your level of energy to help drive all the activities of your life.

One of the most powerful mood boosters you reap with regular resistance training is greater self-satisfaction. Every 30-minute workout on the Curves Circuit is an accomplishment. And with every week that you complete those workouts, you get a little stronger. Over time, you’ll find that everything you do, from carrying groceries to playing with your kids in the backyard to your morning walks with friends around the neighbourhood, becomes easier and more enjoyable. And, you’ll notice new muscle tone in your arms, legs, and abs. You’ll feel really good about you.

To cultivate that stronger self-esteem and all of the mood- and mind-boosting benefit of your Curves workouts, follow these four tips:

  1. To benefit from the mood-boosting effects of resistance training, you need to do it consistently and regularly. Mark your calendar with three or four Curves workouts a week and treat them like appointments with your doctor—not to be missed.
  2. Make plans to work out with a friend. Strength training with a buddy keeps you accountable, and it adds to the fun.
  3. Enjoy the moment. You know that good feeling you get at the end of every workout? That combination of accomplishment and endorphins? Revel in it.
  4. Meet weekly with your Curves Coach to review your progress toward your goals and celebrate every accomplishment. Success is one of the best mood-boosters of all.

The Curves women’s gym workout is convenient, combining strength training and cardio plus stretching – all in just 30 minutes – to strengthen your whole body. For more information about Curves and the full body workouts the Curves Circuit provides, visit ‘Why Curves’.

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