Exercise Really is The Best Medicine

What if there was a drug that treated everything? And it helped prevent almost every illness you might get, including certain types of cancer? And it worked for every person around the world, rich or poor, young or old, with no side effects?

Of course, you’d want to know what that drug was. Well, guess what? That drug exists. It’s called exercise. Here are some of the many health benefits of exercise you can enjoy if you adopt a regular exercise routine like the Curves and MyCurves On Demand full body workout:

Exercise can prevent many health problems, including treat disease

We’ve all heard that regular physical activity can help prevent cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and even some cancers, but exercise also works as treatment. High blood pressure, high cholesterol—a regular exercise routine can lower your risk for both. It can also reverse type 2 diabetes, help alleviate depression, and relieve arthritis pain. And those are just a few of the many benefits of exercise that can help combat the costly healthy problems we face as human beings.

Adopting a regular workout routine is a great step toward a healthier lifestyle, but it doesn’t mean you should stop taking your prescription medications or cancel your doctor’s appointments. If you have diabetes, for example, you may need meds, but regular exercise can help improve your body’s ability to regulate blood sugar so that you can reduce and possibly eliminate medication. If you have a health issue, go to your doctor, talk with him or her about how a full body workout like Curves can become a part of your treatment plan.

A workout routine that includes strength training maximises weight loss and health benefits

For optimum benefits of exercise, a gym program that includes strength training is best.  Strength training for women prevents injury if you do other sports, and it makes everything you do day-to-day easier, from walking the dog to washing the dishes.

High-intensity interval training, like the whole body workout at Curves ladies only gym, has been shown to have great results in improving fitness and burning calories.

If you walk, for example, do 5 minutes of easy walking followed by 2½ minutes hard, and then 2½ minutes where they’re really huffing and puffing and then go back to 5 minutes easy, and so forth.

The Curves circuit counts as a high-intensity interval workout routine. After warming up for a few minutes, our members work all-out on the resistance machines and then can recover a bit between stations. And the entire full body workout takes just 30 minutes. We also encourage members to walk or do MyCurves On Demand stretching classes on days between their Curves workout programs.

To improve your health and fight disease, adopting a healthy eating plan and a high-interval, full body exercise routine like the Curves Circuit is a good way to go. Plus, with all the supportive, like-minded ladies you’ll meet at Curves women only gym, you’ll bolster your social network, which is an added benefit for your health and wellbeing, too!

Your Curves Coach is there to lead you through every gym workout. With your Curves Coach success is within reach. Visit ‘Why Curves’ to find out more about Curves women’s only gyms and our full body workout on the Curves Circuit, or find your local Curves and sign up today! 

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