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  • Curves Women’s Gym: The Ideal Workout Environment for Women

Curves Women’s Gym: The Ideal Workout Environment for Women

You finally get the nerve to start working out. So, you join a gym. Once you muster the courage to walk through the doors, you regret it. You see muscly men clanging weights, young college students in short shorts, and guys eager to give you tips on your form (or ask you out). Not exactly the perfect environment for your full body workout. If you can relate to any part of this scenario, you’ve been a victim of gym intimidation, an uncomfortable feeling that prevents many women from attending a gym regularly, or at all.

If you’ve suffered from feelings of intimidation at the gym, first, realise it’s not an inevitable part of a membership to a fitness club. You deserve to feel comfortable as you go through your full body workout. You deserve to feel supported. And you deserve workout tips and advice you can actually use to get into better shape. An environment that gives you a safe space for women’s fitness does exist, in the form of a women’s gym like Curves. 

Gym Intimidation, Broken Down

Gym Intimidation takes a number of different forms, but the result is the same: women spend less time—or no time at all—at the gym. Some of these women may take their workout routine onto a running trail or stationary bike. But for others, feelings of intimidation at the gym lead to skipped workouts and weight gain. According to the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, women get less physical activity than men, especially when it comes to a healthy combination of aerobic and strength training, and gym intimidation appears to be one reason why. 1

And in addition to the weight control benefits of exercise, a skipped workout for women means losing the many other health benefits of exercise, including lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, depression, and other threats to physical and mental health. 2

Here are some common forms of gym intimidation:

  • Inappropriate comments or stares
  • Feeling outnumbered by male gym members
  • Unwanted romantic attention
  • Feeling outnumbered by men in exercise classes
  • Unwanted physical attention 3

Gym intimidation can also take forms unrelated to members of the opposite sex. These may include:

  • Confusing gym equipment
  • Aggressive salespeople
  • Tendency to compare yourself to others, in terms of body type or workout attire 4

No matter what form it takes, if you’re feeling intimidated, you’re in the wrong fitness club for your workout. The solution: find a safe space for your full body workout, where you can let loose, feel comfortable, and sweat next to likeminded women who may even become your friends. You need a place like Curves women’s gym! At an all women’s gym like Curves, you’ll eliminate the male intimidation factor, the muscly dudes, and the unwanted advice and stares. Plus, you’ll get the support and healthy eating tips from a female Curves Coach. Most Curves Coaches have been through the Curves program themselves and therefore can offer sympathetic, targeted women’s fitness advice.

And comfort aside, at Curves women’s gym you’ll get a workout specially designed to help women like you achieve your health, fitness and weight loss goals. Plus, because you can complete the Curves Circuit in just 30 minutes, it’s the perfect workout for women in that it fits into your schedule, too. For women who are suffering from gym intimidation—and a decrease in physical activity as a result—a women’s exercise program you can comfortably do in an all-female environment like Curves is the perfect solution.

If you can’t make it to your nearest Curves Club, not to worry! There’s the perfect at-home workout solution for you! MyCurves On Demand is a streaming workout platform you can access from any smart device, such as a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or smart TV. This means your full body workouts are available to you always, even when you can’t make it into your local Curves for your workout routine. You also get a bonus with MyCurves on Demand—a Curves Coach!

The one thing many at-home workouts don’t offer is the support and guidance of a coach or trainer holding you accountable for reaching your fitness relationship goals. With MyCurves on Demand + Group Coaching, you get the best of both worlds. You will have the flexibility to complete your whole body workouts whenever and wherever works best for you. The MyCurves On Demand + Group Coaching membership includes a weekly session with a Curves Coach to help check your form and ensure you are getting a safe and effective full body workout. Your coach will also hold you accountable to your health and fitness goals, plus you’ll connect with other like-minded women in the virtual coaching sessions. Check out www.Curves.com and get started today!

The Curves women’s gym workout is convenient, combining strength training and cardio plus stretching – all in just 30 minutes – to strengthen your whole body. For more information about Curves and the full body workouts the Curves Circuit provides, visit ‘Why Curves’.


  1. Leisure-time physical activity
  2. Benefits of Exercise
  3. The majority of women feel ‘inappropriately looked at’ in the gym
  4. Dealing With Gym Intimidation
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