3 Health Tips to Help Prevent Diabetes

November is National Diabetes Month – a perfect reminder to take stock of your health and fitness, evaluate your risk of diabetes, and make sure you are doing everything you can to prevent this potentially devastating disease. Some of the best ways to prevent diabetes and keep it under control include taking stock of your diabetes risk, adopting a regular exercise program like the Curves whole body workout, and following a healthy eating plan.

Begin preventing diabetes right now with these three steps:

Check for prediabetes.

Prediabetes1, as its name implies, is a precursor to diabetes. It is defined as a blood sugar level that is high but not at the level of diabetes, and it puts you at a greater risk for developing type 2 diabetes than someone with a normal blood sugar level. If you have prediabetes, you likely won’t know it because, generally, there are no physical symptoms, but certain factors put you at greater risk: being 45 years of age or older, having a family history of diabetes, being overweight, exercising less than three times a week or having had gestational diabetes. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a simple 7-question screening test for prediabetes2. If you score high, make an appointment to see your health care provider to discuss your diabetes risk and consider getting your blood sugar tested. Weight loss of 5-7% along with engaging in a moderate exercise routine for 150 minutes a week, will reduce your risk for diabetes by 58%. For support to achieve that goal, see the CDC Registry3 of recognised programs for diabetes prevention.

Engage in a regular exercise plan.

Regular physical activity is one of the most important steps you can take to prevent diabetes. Muscle burns glucose for energy. The more you move, the more your muscle cells pull blood sugar out of circulation and into the energy production furnace. And when you engage in regular workout plan that includes strength training for women like the Curves workout, your body becomes more efficient at using glucose. Finally, a regular full body workout will help you get to and maintain a healthy weight. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. The best exercise for diabetes prevention? A combination of cardio workouts and strength training for women. Cardio workouts and resistance training impact the muscle in different ways. It’s a case of 1 + 1 equals 3. Cardio plus strength training for women? Sounds like a Curves whole body workout, right?

Adopt a healthy eating plan to help prevent diabetes.

Weight management is key to avoiding this disease, so following a weight loss eating plan is important. Some of the most important elements to a diet plan for women at risk for diabetes: keep an eye on portion control, cut out sugary drinks, and avoid high-calorie foods. Reduce your intake of saturated fat, the enemy of a healthy weight and heart health. Fill up instead on high-fibre foods: whole grains, beans, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Fibre is a great part of a weight loss eating plan because it helps you feel satisfied throughout the day, so you don’t overindulge during or between meals, and it helps to slow the release of sugar into your body. If you do eat between meals, choose healthy snacks, such as carrots with hummus, an apple with peanut butter, or a low-fat cheese stick. Keep in mind that in addition to being important for weight loss or control, whole foods also pack lots vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients important to good health and are the cornerstone of a healthy eating plan. Knowing your risk for diabetes, exercising regularly with a workout plan like the Curves workout, and following a healthy diet plan for women puts you on the best path to preventing diabetes.


  1. Prediabetes – Your Chance to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

  2. Could You Have Prediabetes?
  3. National Diabetes Prevention Program
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