Irish Coin Cuff Link

Irish Coin Cuff Link

Regular price $710.00 Sale

Tempi offers great Men's Cuff Links!! Here is our Irish Coin downsized a bit, but with preserved raised detail. The iconic Irish Horse and Gaelic verbage make these a favorite. This...
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Tempi offers great Men's Cuff Links!! Here is our Irish Coin downsized a bit, but with preserved raised detail. The iconic Irish Horse and Gaelic verbage make these a favorite. This cuff link measures 3/4 inch round and are offered in sterling silver. The cuff link has a moveable "torpedo " back to easily fit the shirt opening. In the photos you can see the moveable piece that fit though your shirt, then with a push, the bar lies horizontal and the cuff link is in place. All sterling backs. Another great gift!!  

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