Horse Breed Logo Buckle

Horse Breed Logo Buckle

Regular price $471.00 Sale

 Horse Breed Logo Buckles  Tempi offers many of the specialty logos for the various breeds of horses as a buckle. If you do not see the logo you prefer, please...
Style: Hannoverian Breed Logo Buckle
Color: White Bronze
White Bronze
Yellow Bronze
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 Horse Breed Logo Buckles  Tempi offers many of the specialty logos for the various breeds of horses as a buckle. If you do not see the logo you prefer, please email us. If there is a graphic available, Tempi can make up your preference. Currently, we have: Hannoverian, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Holsteiner, Trakehner, Oldenburg, Oldenburg North American, Halflinger, and RPSI. Please put your Breed Choice in "Customer Notes" during checkout. If you are looking for a logo not listed, please email and we can work with you to create it and add it to our selection. Logos are made to fit a 1  1/4 inch wide belt. Check our Leather Page for available belts.

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