Driving Pony Ring

Driving Pony Ring

Regular price $519.00 Sale

Tempi has taken our favored driving pony and fabricated a ring. The band is a cigar type band which is very tapered on the underside. The pony has full bridle...
Size: Driving Pony Ring size 6
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Tempi has taken our favored driving pony and fabricated a ring. The band is a cigar type band which is very tapered on the underside. The pony has full bridle and blinders and he wraps in a gentle curve around your finger.  The ring measures  just under 3/4 inches tall and has a tapered band which measures  1/8 inch under the fnger. A unsual ring, but this was a request, so we are offering it on our site. Sterling Silver.  Any other metal is available on request with a quote for you. This one is typically made to order.
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