Dressage Horse Trot Pendant Large

Dressage Horse Trot Pendant Large

Regular price $1,029.00 Sale

Our  very popular design series created during the pandemic, Dressage Horse Trot Pendant Large. This version is a large rectangular pendant with the corner tips snipped off.  It measures  1...
Style: With leather neck Cord
Material: Sterling Silver
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Our  very popular design series created during the pandemic, Dressage Horse Trot Pendant Large. This version is a large rectangular pendant with the corner tips snipped off.  It measures  1 1/2 inch tall x  11/16 inch wide, and 2 inches overall with the bail. The bail opening is 7 mm round to accomodate any favorite bead necklace, chain or leather cord you may have. The horse wears a full bridle wih fine detail, a braided mane and full forehand has the front left leg raised. Available in Sterling Silver or Rose Bronze, with or without a leather neck cord. This looks stunning on a slightly longer hanging piece.

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