Dragonflies Buckle

Dragonflies Buckle

Regular price $1,109.00 Sale

 Tempi has a large collection of dragonflies! Three sizes of our Dragonflies dart about on the 2  7/8   inch wide buckle. Space open around the dancing group allows the color...
Color: Dragonflies Buckle in White Bronze
Dragonflies Buckle in White Bronze
Dragonflies Buckle in Yellow Bronze
Dragonflies Buckle in Rose Bronze
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 Tempi has a large collection of dragonflies! Three sizes of our Dragonflies dart about on the 2  7/8   inch wide buckle. Space open around the dancing group allows the color of your leather belt to show through. Just magical!!
Can be made to fit a 1  1/4 inch wide belt, or 1  1/2 inch wide belt. Please leave any requests in "Customer Notes" during check out.  Measures 2  1/8 inch tall and available in our Rose, Yellow or White Bronze versions.  Belts are available in our Leather Section.

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